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Commands using C language assignment sample

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Code in C Programming language, SQL like commands using C Language

In this assignment students are required to write lines of code in C Programming language to create a mini database. The database uses basic file Input and Output. It is up to the discretion of students to use any file format, viz, flat file, CSV, XML, JSON, binary file, or any other file format. But the database must support some basic SQL like operations as stated below: -
  • Select all the columns or particular columns from a table.
  • Delete certain columns in a table.
  • Update column values in stated table.
  • Use Join feature in database.
  • Insert certain values in database.
  • Creation and deletion of multiple tables in databases.
Additionally, the program must be capable of using command line parameter to select a database and to create a database if it does not exist.


#define MAX 1000






* function that returns a number for each command

* 0 -> SELECT

* 1 -> DELETE

* 2 -> UPDATE

* 3 -> INSERT

* 4 -> CREATE

* 5 -> DROP

* -1 -> invalid input


int get_command_number(char line[1000]);


* every table in the DB has two files

* file for the table format and a file for the contents of the table


* named table_name_content.txt and table_name_format.txt


typedef void(*Functions)(); //declare typdef

void select_from_DB(char tokens[100][100] , int numOfTokens);

void delete_from_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens);

void update_to_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens);

void insert_to_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens);

void create_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens);

void drop_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens);

void get_file_names(char tableName[], char *contentFile, char * formatFile);

void delete_lines(char *fileName, int lineNumber);

int convert_line_to_tokens(char* line, char tokens[100][100]);

void parse_fields_for_creation(char* fields);

void get_field_and_value(char token[100], char field[50], char value[50]);

void get_matching_lines(char field[50], char value[50], int matching_lines[100], int* number_of_matching_lines);

// array of functions that holds the DB methods

Functions func[6] = { &select_from_DB, &delete_from_DB, &update_to_DB, &insert_to_DB, &create_DB , &drop_DB };

int main(int argc , char * argv [])


char line[1000], tokens[100][100]; fgets(line, 1000, stdin);

int commandNumber = get_command_number(line);

if(commandNumber == -1 )


puts(“Invalid input”);




int numOfTokens= convert_line_to_tokens(line, tokens);

func[commandNumber](tokens , numOfTokens);


return 0;


char colNames[100][100] , contentFileName[100];

int numberOfCol;


* Load cols namess from the cols line


int load_col_names(char * tableName )


char forFName[50];

get_file_names(tableName, contentFileName, forFName);

FILE * formatFile = fopen(forFName, “r”);

fscanf(formatFile, “%d”, &numberOfCol);

for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCol; ++i)


fscanf(formatFile, “%s”, colNames[i]);


return 0;


int get_command_number(char line[1000])


char command[100];

sscanf(line, “%s”, command);

if (strcmp(command, “SELECT”) == 0)


return 0;


if (strcmp(command, “DELETE”) == 0)

return 1;

if (strcmp(command, “UPDATE”) == 0)

return 2;

if (strcmp(command, “INSERT”) == 0)

return 3;

if (strcmp(command, “CREATE”) == 0)

return 4;

if (strcmp(command, “DROP”) == 0)

return 5;

return -1;


void print_matching_lines(int matching_lines[100], int number_of_matching_lines)


char *fname = contentFileName;

char str[MAX], temp[] = “temp.txt”;

char tokens[100][100];

for (int i = 0; i < number_of_matching_lines; ++i)

{ int ctr = 0;

int lno = matching_lines[i];

FILE* fptr1 = fopen(fname, “r”);

if (!fptr1)


printf(” File not found or unable to open the input file!!\n”);



// copy all contents to the temporary file except the specific line

while (!feof(fptr1))


strcpy(str, “\0”);

fgets(str, MAX, fptr1);

if (strcmp(str, “”) == 0)


/* update the line at given line number */

if (ctr == lno)


printf(“%s\n”, str);







void get_field_select(char token[100], char field1[50])



int idx = 0;

int len = strlen(token);

int start = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)




field1[idx] = token[i];



if(token[i] == ‘.’)


start = 1;



field1[idx] = 0;


int load_cols_to_arr(char table_name[100] , char cols_names[100][100])



for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCol; ++i)


strcpy(cols_names[i], colNames[i]);


return numberOfCol;


int load_rows_to_arr(char tabl_name[100], char rows[100][100])


FILE * cont_file = fopen(tabl_name, “r”);

int ctr=0;

while (!feof(cont_file))


strcpy(rows[ctr], “\0”);

fgets(rows[ctr], MAX, cont_file);



return ctr ;


int get_field_idx_select(char cols_names[100][100], char field[50] , int number_of_cols)


for (int i = 0; i < number_of_cols; ++i)


if (strcmp(field, cols_names[i]) == 0)

return i;


return -1;


char field1[50], field2[50];

char table1_tok[500][100][100], table2_tok[500][100][100];

char lines1[100][100], lines2[100][100];

char cols_names1[100][100], cols_names2[100][100];

void select_from_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens)



char field[100], value[100];

if(numOfTokens == 6)


int matching_lines[100], num_of_mat_lines;

get_field_and_value(tokens[5], field, value);

get_matching_lines(field, value, matching_lines, &num_of_mat_lines);

print_matching_lines(matching_lines, num_of_mat_lines);


else if (numOfTokens == 10){


get_field_select(tokens[7], field1);

get_field_select(tokens[9], field2);

int num_of_cols1 = load_cols_to_arr(tokens[3], cols_names1);

int num_of_cols2 = load_cols_to_arr(tokens[5] , cols_names2);

int number_of_rows1 = load_rows_to_arr(tokens[3], lines1);

int number_of_rows2 = load_rows_to_arr(tokens[5], lines2);

for (int i = 0; i < number_of_rows1; ++i)

{ convert_line_to_tokens(lines1[i], table1_tok[i]);


for (int i = 0; i < number_of_rows2; ++i)


convert_line_to_tokens(lines2[i], table2_tok[i]);


int field_idx1 = get_field_idx_select(cols_names1, field1 , num_of_cols1);

int field_idx2 = get_field_idx_select(cols_names2 , field2, num_of_cols2);

if(~field_idx1 || ~field_idx2)




for (int i = 0; i < number_of_rows1; ++i)


for (int j = 0; j < number_of_rows2; ++j)


if(strcmp(table1_tok[i][field_idx1] , table2_tok[j][field_idx2]) == 0)

{ printf(“%s\n%s\n”, lines1[i], lines2[j]);






void get_field_and_value(char token[100], char field[50], char value[50])


int idx = 0;

int len = strlen(token);

char * holder = field;

strtok(token, “\n”);

for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)


holder[idx] = token[i];


if( idx>= 0&& holder[idx-1] == ‘=’)


holder[idx-1] = 0;

holder = value;

idx = 0;



if(idx >= 0 && holder[idx-1] == ‘\”‘)


holder[idx-1] = 0;





int get_field_idx(char field[50])


for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCol; ++i)


if(strcmp(field, colNames[i]) == 0)


return i;



return -1;


void get_matching_lines(char field[50], char value[50], int matching_lines[100], int* number_of_matching_lines)


int fieldIdx = get_field_idx(field);

FILE * contFile = fopen(contentFileName, “r”);

if(contFile == NULL)


puts(“Table not found”);



int lno = 0, idx_mat_lines = 0, fIdx=0 ;

char holder[50];

*number_of_matching_lines = 0;

while (fscanf(contFile , “%s” ,holder ) == 1)


if(fIdx == fieldIdx)


if(strcmp(holder, value) == 0)


matching_lines[idx_mat_lines] = lno;






if (fIdx == numberOfCol) fIdx = 0, lno++;




void delete_from_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens)



char field[50], value[50];

get_field_and_value(tokens[4], field, value);

int matchingLines[100];

int numberOfMatchingLines;

get_matching_lines(field, value, matchingLines, &numberOfMatchingLines);

for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMatchingLines; ++i)


delete_lines(contentFileName, matchingLines[i]);


puts(“rows deleted”);


void update_lines_with_new_value(int matching_lines[100], int number_of_matching_lines, char field[50], char value[50])


char *fname = contentFileName;

char str[MAX], temp[] = “temp.txt”;

int fIdx = get_field_idx(field);

char tokens[100][100];

for (int i = 0; i < number_of_matching_lines; ++i)

{ int ctr = 0;

int lno = matching_lines[i];

FILE* fptr1 = fopen(fname, “r”);

if (!fptr1)


printf(” File not found or unable to open the input file!!\n”);



FILE* fptr2 = fopen(temp, “w”); // open the temporary file in write mode

if (!fptr2)


printf(“Unable to open a temporary file to write!!\n”);




// copy all contents to the temporary file except the specific line

while (!feof(fptr1))


strcpy(str, “\0”);

fgets(str, MAX, fptr1);

if(strcmp(str , “”)==0 )


convert_line_to_tokens(str, tokens);

/* update the line at given line number */

if (ctr != lno)


for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCol; ++j)


fprintf(fptr2, “%s%c”, tokens[j] , ” \n”[j==numberOfCol-1]);

} }



strcpy(tokens[fIdx], value);

for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCol; ++j)


fprintf(fptr2, “%s%c”, tokens[j], ” \n”[j == numberOfCol – 1]);

} }





remove(fname); // remove the original file

rename(temp, fname); // rename the temporary file to original name



void update_to_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens)



char field[50], value[50];

get_field_and_value(tokens[5], field, value);

int matchingLines[100];

int numberOfMatchingLines;

get_matching_lines(field, value, matchingLines, &numberOfMatchingLines);

get_field_and_value(tokens[3], field, value);

update_lines_with_new_value(matchingLines, numberOfMatchingLines, field, value);


void parse_fields_for_insertion(char* fields , char fields_arr [100][100], int *num_of_fields)


int len = strlen(fields), colIdx = 0, colCIdx = 0;

*num_of_fields = 0;

for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i)


fields_arr[colIdx][colCIdx] = fields[i];

if (fields[i] == ‘,’ || fields[i] == ‘]’ || fields[i] == ‘)’)


fields_arr[colIdx][colCIdx] = 0;

colCIdx = -1;








void insert_to_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens)


int num_of_fields;

char fields_arr[100][100];

parse_fields_for_insertion(tokens[3], fields_arr, &num_of_fields);

char field[50], value[50] , cont_file[50] , for_file[50];

FILE * contentFile;

get_file_names(tokens[2], contentFileName, for_file);

contentFile = fopen(contentFileName, “a”); // open the file append

if(contentFile == NULL)


puts(“Table no found”);



for (int i = 0; i < num_of_fields; ++i)


get_field_and_value(fields_arr[i], field, value);

fprintf(contentFile, “%s%c”, value, ” \n”[i == num_of_fields – 1]);




void parse_fields_for_creation(char* fields)


int len = strlen(fields), colIdx = 0, colCIdx=0;

for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i)


colNames[colIdx][colCIdx] = fields[i];

if (fields[i] == ‘,’ || fields[i] == ‘]’ || fields[i] == ‘)’)


colNames[colIdx][colCIdx] = 0;

colCIdx = -1;








void save_format(char fields[100], char * formatFileName)



FILE * formatFile = fopen(formatFileName, “w”);

fprintf(formatFile, “%d\n”, numberOfCol);

for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCol; ++i)


fprintf(formatFile, “%s\n”, colNames[i]);




void create_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens)


FILE * formatFile,* contentFile;

char formatFName[50];

get_file_names(tokens[2], contentFileName, formatFName);

formatFile = fopen(formatFName, “w”);


contentFile = fopen(contentFileName, “w”);


save_format(tokens[4], formatFName);

puts(“DB Created”);


void drop_DB(char tokens[100][100], int numOfTokens)


char contFname[50], forFileName[50];

int ret1, ret2;

for (int i = 2; i < numOfTokens; ++i)


get_file_names(tokens[i], contFname, forFileName);

ret1 = remove(contFname);

ret2 = remove(forFileName);

if (ret1 == 0 && ret2 == 0)


printf(“%s deleted successfully\n”, tokens[i]);




void get_file_names(char tableName[], char *contentFile , char * formatFile)


strcpy(contentFile, tableName);

strcat(contentFile, “_content.txt”);

strcpy(formatFile, tableName);

strcat(formatFile, “_format.txt”);


int convert_line_to_tokens(char* line, char tokens[100][100])


int len = strlen(line);

int tokIdx = 0;

int tokWord = 0, idxAfter = -1;

strtok(line, “\n”);

for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)


tokens[tokWord][tokIdx] = line[i];


if (line[i] == ‘ ‘ || line[i] == ‘\n’ )


tokens[tokWord][tokIdx] = 0;

tokIdx = -1;




if(i == len -1)


tokens[tokWord][tokIdx] = 0;

tokIdx = 0;



if (line[i + 1] == ‘(‘ || line[i + 1] == ‘[‘)


idxAfter = i + 1;




if (idxAfter != -1)


for (int i = idxAfter; i < len; ++i)


tokens[tokWord][tokIdx] = line[i];




return tokWord;


void delete_lines(char *fileName , int lineNumber)


int lno, ctr = 0;

FILE *fptr1, *fptr2;

char *fname = fileName;

char str[MAX], temp[] = “temp.txt”;

fptr1 = fopen(fname, “r”);

if (!fptr1)


printf(” File not found or unable to open the input file!!\n”);

return ;


fptr2 = fopen(temp, “w”); // open the temporary file in write mode

if (!fptr2)


printf(“Unable to open a temporary file to write!!\n”);


return ;


lno = lineNumber;

// copy all contents to the temporary file except the specific line

while (!feof(fptr1))


strcpy(str, “\0”);

fgets(str, MAX, fptr1);

if (!feof(fptr1))


/* skip the line at given line number */

if (ctr != lno)


fprintf(fptr2, “%s”, str);







remove(fname); // remove the original file

rename(temp, fname); // rename the temporary file to original name
