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Toggle Case of String in CUSP Assembly Language Assignment Sample

Python has 2 string methods, swapcase and title, you need to implement these methods in CUSP assembly language. Swapcase converts upper case to lower case and vice versa, and title converts the string to lower case and the first character of each word to upper case. The main routine should start at location 0, and the subroutine should start at 0x20. The parameters are pushed to the stack. For assembly language help, contact us for a quote.



.EQU @,$000 ; main program start address
LDS# $E00 ; initialize stack to $E00

PSH# string ; address of original string
PSH# strLength ; number of characters in original string
PSH# converted ; address of converted string
JSR swapcase ; swap case
ADS# 3 ; restore stack pointer

PSH# msg1len ; string length
PSH# msg1 ; address of string to print
JSR $E05 ; print string on console
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer

PSH# strLength ; string length
PSH# string ; address of string to print
JSR $E05 ; print original string on console
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer

PSH# msg2len ; string length
PSH# msg2 ; address of string to print
JSR $E05 ; print string on console
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer

PSH# strLength ; string length
PSH# converted ; address of string to print
JSR $E05 ; print converted string on console
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer

HLT ; terminate program

; Swapcase subroutine
.EQU @,$020 ; subroutine start address
.EQU origStr,4
.EQU lenStr,3
.EQU convStr,2
PSHF ; push FP on stack
TSF ; load stack pointer in FP
LDX ! origStr ; load address of original string
STX posA ; save it in the variable posA
LDX ! convStr ; load address of converted string
STX posB ; save it in the variable posB
LDX# 0
LDC* posA ; load character from original string

CMA# ‘A’ ; if char < ‘A’, skip conversion
JLT skip
CMA# ‘Z’ ; if char > ‘A’ and <= ‘Z’, convert
JLE swap
CMA# ‘a’ ; if char < ‘a’, skip conversion
JLT skip
CMA# ‘z’ ; if char > ‘z’ skip conversion
JGT skip
XOR# 32 ; xor with 32 to invert case
STC* posB ; save character in converted string

ADX# 1 ; advance to next position in array

CMX ! lenStr ; compare with string length
JLT loop ; if I < string length, continue loop

POPF ; restore FP from stack
RTN ; return to caller

; Variables for subroutine
posA: .word 0 ; position in original string
posB: .word 0 ; position in converted string

; Variables used in main
msg1: .char ‘Initial string:\LF\CR’, msg1len
msg2: .char ‘\LF\CRConverted string:\LF\CR’, msg2len
string: .char ‘lEArN pYtHOn iN 30 YeaRS!’, strLength
converted: .blkw 10, 0



.EQU @,$000 ; main program start address
LDS# $E00 ; initialize stack to $E00

PSH# string ; address of original string
PSH# strLength ; number of characters in original string
PSH# converted ; address of converted string
JSR title ; convert to title
ADS# 3 ; restore stack pointer

PSH# msg1len ; string length
PSH# msg1 ; address of string to print
JSR $E05 ; print string on console
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer

PSH# strLength ; string length
PSH# string ; address of string to print
JSR $E05 ; print original string on console
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer

PSH# msg2len ; string length
PSH# msg2 ; address of string to print
JSR $E05 ; print string on console
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer

PSH# strLength ; string length
PSH# converted ; address of string to print
JSR $E05 ; print converted string on console
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer

HLT ; terminate program

; Swapcase subroutine
.EQU @,$020 ; subroutine start address
.EQU origStr,4
.EQU lenStr,3
.EQU convStr,2
PSHF ; push FP on stack
TSF ; load stack pointer in FP
LDX ! origStr ; load address of original string
STX posA ; save it in the variable posA
LDX ! convStr ; load address of converted string
STX posB ; save it in the variable posB
LDX# 0
LDC* posA ; load character from original string

CMA# 32 ; see if it was a space
JNE testCase ; if not, see if we need to change case
SET upcase ; set upper to !=0
JMP skip
TST upcase ; see if we need to convert to uppercase
JNE toupcase ; if so, convert
CMA# ‘A’ ; if char < ‘A’, skip conversion
JLT skip
CMA# ‘Z’ ; if char > ‘A’ and <= ‘Z’, convert
JGT skip
XOR# 32 ; xor with 32 to convert to lower case
JMP skip
CMA# ‘A’ ; if char < ‘A’, skip conversion
JLT skip
CMA# ‘Z’ ; if char > ‘A’ and <= ‘Z’, is already up, clear flag
JLE clrup
CMA# ‘a’ ; if char < ‘a’, skip conversion
JLT skip
CMA# ‘z’ ; if char > ‘z’ skip conversion
JGT skip
XOR# 32 ; xor with 32 to invert case
CLR upcase ; only one letter needs to be upcase
STC* posB ; save character in converted string

ADX# 1 ; advance to next position in array

CMX ! lenStr ; compare with string length
JLT loop ; if I < string length, continue loop

POPF ; restore FP from stack
RTN ; return to caller

; Variables for subroutine
posA: .word 0 ; position in original string
posB: .word 0 ; position in converted string
upcase: .word 1 ; indicates if character case must be in upper case

; Variables used in main
msg1: .char ‘Initial string:\LF\CR’, msg1len
msg2: .char ‘\LF\CRConverted string:\LF\CR’, msg2len
string: .char ‘lEArN pYtHOn iN 30 YeaRS!’, strLength
converted: .blkw 10, 0