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Use our steganography in C assignment sample for free.

Getting a sample of steganography in C assignment can be hectic. However, the narrative is different since you can use our steganography in C assignment sample for free. Our free-for-use stenography in C assignment sample is detailed enough for you. Our steganography assignment meets the highest levels of professionalism as an able team of experts handles it. To shade more light, below is our free-to-use steganography in C assignment sample. For maximum and effective solutions in steganography in C assignment, hire us.

Steganography in C Assignment Sample

Steganography is the way to hide data in plain sight. If you encrypt a file to hide it, it is obvious as you can see a file that can’t be read. Instead, steganography takes a file, and hides it inside another file, in this case, a black and white image inside a color image. We have provided functions to read and write PNG files. You read in the image you want to encode and the image you want to hide. The hidden image should set the bottom bit of the pixels. For more C programming assignments contact us for details.



#include “hw4_provided.h”

void hide_image(
unsigned int ref_r[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int ref_g[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int ref_b[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int hid_r[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int hid_g[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int hid_b[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int res_r[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int res_g[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int res_b[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int height, unsigned int width)
for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
if (hid_r[r][c] >= 128)
if (ref_r[r][c] % 2 == 0)
res_r[r][c] = ref_r[r][c] + 1;
res_r[r][c] = ref_r[r][c];
if (ref_r[r][c] % 2 == 0)
res_r[r][c] = ref_r[r][c];
res_r[r][c] = ref_r[r][c] + 1;
res_g[r][c] = ref_g[r][c];
res_b[r][c] = ref_b[r][c];

void extract_image(
unsigned int res_r[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int res_g[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int res_b[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int hid_r[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int hid_g[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int hid_b[ROWS][COLS],
unsigned int height, unsigned int width)
for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
if (res_r[r][c] % 2 == 0)
hid_r[r][c] = 0;
hid_g[r][c] = 0;
hid_b[r][c] = 0;
hid_r[r][c] = 255;
hid_g[r][c] = 255;
hid_b[r][c] = 255;

void encode(char *ref_filename, char *hid_filename, char *enc_filename)
unsigned int ref_red[ROWS][COLS];
unsigned int ref_green[ROWS][COLS];
unsigned int ref_blue[ROWS][COLS];
int ref_width;
int ref_height;

provided_read_png(ref_filename, ref_red, ref_green, ref_blue, &ref_width, &ref_height);

unsigned int hid_red[ROWS][COLS];
unsigned int hid_green[ROWS][COLS];
unsigned int hid_blue[ROWS][COLS];
int hid_width;
int hid_height;

provided_read_png(hid_filename, hid_red, hid_green, hid_blue, &hid_width, &hid_height);

// chec hid_ and ref_ sizes
if (hid_width == ref_height && hid_height == ref_height)
unsigned int enc_red[ROWS][COLS];
unsigned int enc_green[ROWS][COLS];
unsigned int enc_blue[ROWS][COLS];
int enc_width = hid_width;
int enc_height = hid_height;

hide_image(ref_red, ref_green, ref_blue, hid_red, hid_green, hid_blue, enc_red, enc_green, enc_blue, enc_height, enc_width);

provided_write_png(enc_filename, enc_red, enc_green, enc_blue, enc_width, enc_height);

void decode(char *enc_filename, char *hid_filename)
unsigned int enc_red[ROWS][COLS];
unsigned int enc_green[ROWS][COLS];
unsigned int enc_blue[ROWS][COLS];
int enc_width;
int enc_height;

provided_read_png(enc_filename, enc_red, enc_green, enc_blue, &enc_width, &enc_height);

unsigned int hid_red[ROWS][COLS];
unsigned int hid_green[ROWS][COLS];
unsigned int hid_blue[ROWS][COLS];
int hid_width = enc_width;
int hid_height = enc_height;

extract_image(enc_red, enc_green, enc_blue, hid_red, hid_green, hid_blue, hid_width, hid_height);

provided_write_png(hid_filename, hid_red, hid_green, hid_blue, hid_width, hid_height);

int main()
encode(“happyface.png”, “happyface_hide.png”, “out.png”);
decode(“out.png”, “hide.png”);
return 0;