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How to sort and format names in a list

Check out the following assignment sample where our experts give a detailed explanation on how to format and sort a list of names. If you are struggling with an assignment of this nature, feel free to hire them to do the task for you.

Sort and Format a List of Names

sort and format 1

sort and format 2






using namespace std;

constint MAX_SIZE = 30; //maximum number of unique names in data file

//Functions to be used


void unique(string[], string[], string)

voidbubblesort(string secondArray[], int count)

int main()


ifstreaminfile; //variable representing input file

ofstreamoutfile; //variable representing output file

stringinputf,outputf; //name of input file and output file

string name; //name read from input file

stringfirstArray[MAX_SIZE]; //array of names from data file

stringsecondArray[MAX_SIZE]; //second array to store unique names in

cout<< “enter input file name” <



if (!infile)


cout<<“File not found” <

return 0;




cout<< “enter output file name” <



infile>> name;

for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++)





while (infile)





return 0;


voidbubblesort(string secondArray[], int count) //This function will use the bubblesort method to sort the list of \

names in alphabetical (ascending) order.


string temp;

for (int i = 0; i < count – 1; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < count – (i + 1); j++)

if (secondArray[j] >secondArray[j+1])


temp = secondArray[j];

secondArray[j] = secondArray[j+1];

secondArray[j+1] = temp;



void unique(string firstArray[], string secondArray[], string name) //This function will compare all of the strings \

from the data file and keep a count of unique strings found. It will also store the unique names in the second array\


int n = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) //this needs to use count and not the constant for MAX_SIZE

for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)

if ((j != i) && (firstArray[j] != firstArray[i]))


secondArray[n] = firstArray[i];






voidfixname(string& name) //This function will properly format the names in the output file.


int n; //length of name

n = name.length();

name[0] = toupper(name[0]); //This will change the first character of each name to a capital letter

for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)

name[i] = tolower(name[i]); //This will change the remaining letters to all lowercase.


//Function for finding length of longest name(s)

//Function for finding length of shortest name(s)

//Function for printing results to output file







using namespace std;

constint MAX_SIZE = 30; //maximum number of unique names in data file

//Functions to be used


voidbubblesort(string[], int);

int max(int[],int);

int min(int[],int);

voidout_write(string, string, int, double, int, int, int[], string[]);

int main()


ifstreaminfile; //variable representing input file

stringinputf,outputf; //name of input file and output file

string name; //name read from input file

stringfirstArray[MAX_SIZE]; //array of names from data file

int length[MAX_SIZE]; //second array to store unique names in

int flag, size, count=0,sum=0;


intmax_length, min_length;

cout<< “enter input file name” <



if (!infile)


cout<<“File not found” <

return 0;




cout<< “enter output file name” <


for (int i = 0; i


infile>> name;


flag = 1;

for (int j = 0;j

if (name == firstArray[j]){ //checking uniqueness

flag = -1;




if (flag == 1){

firstArray[count] = name;

length[count] = name.length();

sum = sum + length[count];




avg_length = (1.0*sum)/count;

max_length = max(length,count);

min_length = min(length,count);




return 0;


voidbubblesort(string firstArray[], int count) //This function will use the bubblesort method to sort the list of \

names in alphabetical (ascending) order.


string temp;

for (int i = 0; i < count – 1; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < count – (i + 1); j++)

if (firstArray[j] >firstArray[j+1])


temp = firstArray[j];

firstArray[j] = firstArray[j+1];

firstArray[j+1] = temp;



voidfixname(string& name) //This function will properly format the names in the output file.


int n; //length of name

n = name.length();

name[0] = toupper(name[0]); //This will change the first character of each name to a capital letter

for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)

name[i] = tolower(name[i]); //This will change the remaining letters to all lowercase.


//Function for finding length of longest name(s)

int max(int length[], int count){

intmax_length = length[0];

for (int i = 0;i

if (length[i]>max_length)

max_length = length[i];




//Function for finding length of shortest name(s)

int min(int length[], int count){

intmin_length = length[0];

for (int i = 0;i

if (length[i]

min_length = length[i];




//Function for printing results to output file

voidout_write(string inputf, string outputf, int count, double avg_length, intmax_length, intmin_length, int length[], string firstArray[]){

ofstreamoutfile; //variable representing output file


outfile<< “name section lab_section assignment\n\n”;

outfile<< “Input file: ” <

outfile<< “Number of unique names: ” << count <<“\n”;

outfile<< “Average length of a name: ” <

outfile<< “Length of longest names: ” <

outfile<< “Longest names: “;

for (int i = 0;i

if (length[i]==max_length)



outfile<< “\n\nLength of longest names: ” <

outfile<< “Shortest names: “;

for (int i = 0;i

if (length[i]==min_length)





for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)


outfile<< “\n” <


