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Least median of squares in assembly assignment help

Don’t struggle with your least median of squares in assembly assignments when you can get help from us. We offer the best solutions on time. Therefore if you are looking for the least median of squares in assembly assignment help, hire us today. Should you have any doubts about the quality of work we offer to our students, we are ready to share with you samples of our previous work. Therefore do not struggle with your assignments when you can get the best least median of squares in assembly assignment help from us.

Least Median of Squares in Assembly

The least median of squares can be a more robust solution that the normal average. Given an array of value pairs, the first value is considered the primary key and the second value is used when 2 primary keys match. You need to sort the data into descending order. You need to find the shortest half range, and the LMS is the mid value of the range. For more assembly language programming assignments, contact us for a quote.


.model flat, stdcall
.stack 4096


GetStdHandle PROTO,

WriteConsoleA PROTO,
lpBuffer:PTR BYTE,
lpNumberOfBytesWritten:PTR DWORD,

ExitProcess PROTO,

;array DW 1,1,3,0,3,3,4,4,-1
;array DW 9,15,68,24,22,98,8,10,-1
;array DW 1,2,3,1,3,9,3,0,3,4,3,8,9,9,-1
;array DW 549,15,437,153,141,86,437,30,416,108,48,46,60,51,48,136,-1
;array DW 70,4,30,34,75,91,41,41,97,3,42,13,30,29,20,21,99,57,-1
array DW 101,103,108,102,113,13,109,3,11,9,3,2,7,5,11,13,17,19,7,11,73,79,83,89,-1
msg1 DB “number of data pairs: “, 0
msg2 DB “sorted data pairs:”, 0
msg3 DB 10, 13, “half ranges:”, 0
msg4 DB 10,13, “min range: “, 0
msg5 DB “LMedS: “, 0

space DB ” “, 0
comma DB “, “, 0
semicolon DB “;”, 0
newline DB 13, 10, 0
equals DB ” = ”
minus DB ” – ”

n DD 0

consoleHandle DD 0
bytesWritten DD 0
buffer DB 100 DUP(0)


; Function: main()
; Main function
main PROC
push ebp ; create stack frame
mov ebp, esp

INVOKE GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ; get console handle for printing output
mov [consoleHandle], eax ; save handle in variable

push OFFSET array ; calculate the array length
call arrayLength

mov [n], eax ; save array length in variable

push OFFSET msg1 ; print first message with number of pairs
call printString
add esp, 4
push DWORD PTR [n] ; print number of pairs
call printInteger
add esp,4
INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, OFFSET newline, 2, offset bytesWritten, 0 ; print newline

push DWORD PTR [n] ; sort the array
push OFFSET array
call sort
add esp, 8

push OFFSET msg2 ; print second message for the sorted array
call printString
add esp, 4

push OFFSET array ; print sorted array
call printArray
add esp, 4

push DWORD PTR [n] ; print half ranges
push OFFSET array
call getMinRange
add esp, 8

push eax ; calculate LMedS using the mid range index
push DWORD PTR [n]
push OFFSET array
call getLMedS
add esp, 8

push eax
push OFFSET msg5 ; print fifth message for the LMeds result
call printString
add esp, 4
call printInteger ; print LMedS value
add esp, 4

INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, OFFSET newline, 2, offset bytesWritten, 0 ; print newline

INVOKE ExitProcess, 0

pop ebp ; remove stack frame
main ENDP

; Function: stringLength(string)
; Calculate the string length
stringLength PROC
push ebp ; create stack frame
mov ebp, esp
push esi
mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; load the string address from the stack
mov eax, 0 ; initialize counter to zero
mov cl, [esi + eax] ; load current char
cmp cl, 0 ; if we reached 0, end the count
je strdone
inc eax ; else, increment char count
jmp strL0
pop esi
pop ebp ; restore stack frame
stringLength ENDP

; Function: printString(string)
; Print a string on the console
printString PROC
push ebp ; create stack frame
mov ebp, esp

mov eax, [ebp + 8] ; load the string address from the stack

push eax ; get string length
call stringLength
add esp, 4

INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, [ebp + 8], eax, offset bytesWritten, 0

pop ebp ; restore stack frame
printString ENDP

; Function: printInteger(integer)
; Print an integer on the console
printInteger PROC
push ebp ; create stack frame
mov ebp, esp
push edi

mov edi, OFFSET buffer ; point to end of buffer with edi
add edi, 99
mov BYTE PTR [edi], 0 ; save end of string in buffer
mov eax, [ebp + 8] ; load number to print from the stack
mov ecx, 10 ; for dividing over 10
mov edx, 0
div ecx ; divide number by 10
add dl, ‘0’ ; convert digit to ascii
dec edi
mov [edi], dl ; save digit in buffer
cmp eax, 0 ; repeat while the number is not zero
jne prl0

push edi ; print the number saved in the buffer
call printString
add esp, 4

pop edi
pop ebp ; restore stack frame
printInteger ENDP

; Function: arrayLength(array)
; Calculate the array length
arrayLength PROC
push ebp ; create stack frame
mov ebp, esp
push esi

mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; load the array address from the stack
mov eax, 0 ; initialize counter to zero
L0: mov cx, WORD PTR [esi + eax*2] ; load current word
cmp cx, -1 ; if we reached -1, end the count
je ldone
inc eax ; else, increment word count
jmp L0
shr eax, 1 ; divide word count by 2 to get array size

pop esi
pop ebp ; restore stack frame
arrayLength ENDP

; Function: sort(array, n)
; Sort the array using bubble sort
sort PROC
push ebp ; create stack frame
mov ebp, esp
push ebx ; save registers
push esi

mov ecx, [ebp + 12] ; start counter i to number of elements – 1
dec ecx
mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; load pointer to start of array in esi
mov edx, 0 ; load inner counter to zero
mov ax, WORD PTR [esi + edx*4] ; load word from the array
cmp ax, WORD PTR [esi + edx*4 + 4] ; compare with next word on the array
je L3 ; if they are equal, compare second values
jg L4 ; else, if they are in order, skip

mov bx, WORD PTR [esi + edx*4 + 4] ; swap keys
mov WORD PTR [esi + edx*4 + 4], ax
mov WORD PTR [esi + edx*4], bx
mov ax, WORD PTR [esi + edx*4 + 2] ; load word from the array
jmp swapVals
mov ax, WORD PTR [esi + edx*4 + 2] ; load word from the array
cmp ax, WORD PTR [esi + edx*4 + 6] ; compare with next word on the array
jge L4 ; if they are ordered, don’t swap
mov bx, WORD PTR [esi + edx*4 + 6] ; else, swap values
mov WORD PTR [esi + edx*4 + 6], ax
mov WORD PTR [esi + edx*4 + 2], bx
inc edx ; increment counter
cmp edx, ecx ; compare with n – i -1
jl L2 ; repeat if it’s below

loop L1 ; repeat for all elements

pop esi ; restore registers
pop ebx
pop ebp ; restore stack frame
sort ENDP

; Function: printArray(array)
; Prints the array as data pairs
printArray PROC
push ebp ; create stack frame
mov ebp, esp
push esi ; save registers
push ebx

mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; load the array address from the stack
mov ebx, 0 ; start at position 0
movzx eax, WORD PTR [esi + ebx*4] ; load current key
cmp ax, -1 ; if we reached -1, end
je pdone

INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, OFFSET space, 1, offset bytesWritten, 0 ; print space

movzx eax, WORD PTR [esi + ebx*4] ; load current key
push eax ; print key
call printInteger
add esp, 4

INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, OFFSET comma, 2, offset bytesWritten, 0 ; print comma

movzx eax, WORD PTR [esi + ebx*4 + 2] ; load current value
push eax ; print value
call printInteger
add esp, 4

INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, OFFSET semicolon, 1, offset bytesWritten, 0 ; print semicolon

inc ebx ; advance to next pair
jmp pl0
shr eax, 1 ; divide word count by 2 to get array size

pop ebx ; restore registers
pop esi
pop ebp ; restore stack frame
printArray ENDP

; Function: getMinRange(array)
; Gets the minimum half range in the sorted array, prints all the half ranges
; found in the array
getMinRange PROC
push ebp ; create stack frame
mov ebp, esp
push esi ; save registers
push edi
push ebx

push OFFSET msg3 ; print third message for the half ranges
call printString
add esp, 4

mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; load the array address from the stack
mov ecx, 0 ; start index in 0
mov ebx, [ebp + 12] ; load number of elements in ebx
shr ebx, 1 ; divide number by 2 to get half index

mov edx, 65535 ; set minimum range as a big number
mov edi, esi ; set start of range as the initial one
movzx eax, WORD PTR [esi + ecx*4] ; load word from the array
push ecx
add ecx, ebx ; calculate index + half
sub ax, WORD PTR [esi + ecx*4] ; subtract word at half + i to get range

cmp eax, edx ; compare current range with the minimum
jge printRng ; if it’s not smaller, don’t update minimum

mov edx, eax ; else, set range as minimum
mov edi, ecx ; save index for the range
push edx ; save edx value (min range)
push eax

INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, OFFSET space, 1, offset bytesWritten, 0 ; print space

call printInteger ; print range
add esp, 4

INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, OFFSET semicolon, 1, offset bytesWritten, 0 ; print semicolon

pop edx ; restore edx value (min range)
pop ecx ; restore current index
inc ecx ; advance to next element in array
mov eax, ecx
add eax, ebx
cmp eax, [ebp + 12] ; see if index+half > number of elements
jl rngLoop ; if not, repeat

mov ecx, edi ; get index of min range
movzx eax, WORD PTR [esi + ecx*4] ; load word from the array
push eax
sub ecx, ebx ; get position of start of range
mov edi, ecx ; save it in edi
movzx eax, WORD PTR [esi + ecx*4] ; load word from the array
push eax
push edx ; minimum half range

push OFFSET msg4 ; print fourth message for the minimum half range
call printString
add esp, 4

call printInteger ; print minimum half range
add esp, 4

INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, OFFSET equals, 3, offset bytesWritten, 0 ; print equal sign

call printInteger ; print range start
add esp, 4

INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, OFFSET minus, 3, offset bytesWritten, 0 ; print minus sign

call printInteger ; print range end
add esp, 4

INVOKE WriteConsoleA, consoleHandle, OFFSET newline, 2, offset bytesWritten, 0 ; print newline

mov eax, edi ; return minimum half range index

pop ebx ; restore registers
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp ; restore stack frame
getMinRange ENDP

; Function: getLMedS(array, n, minrngi)
; Calculates the LMeds for the array using the minimun range index
push ebp ; create stack frame
mov ebp, esp
push esi ; save registers

mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; load the array address from the stack
mov edx, [ebp + 12] ; load number of elements in edx
shr edx, 1 ; divide number by 2 to get half index
mov ecx, [ebp + 16] ; load minimum range index into ecx

movzx eax, WORD PTR [esi + ecx*4] ; load word at min range index from the array
add ecx, edx ; calculate min index + half
add ax, WORD PTR [esi + ecx*4] ; add word at half + m
shr eax, 1 ; divide over 2 using a shift right

pop esi ; restore registers
pop ebp ; restore stack frame

END main