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How to create a program that calculates exam grades

The following assignment sample gives a breakdown of the processes and procedures involved in creating a program that calculates pre-finals grades. Go through it to have an idea of the kind of solutions our experts deliver to students who take academic help from us.

Grade Calculators

 Calculating Pre-Finals Grade

List of functions to be used/completed as appropriate in the program:

voidinputScores(float scores[], int *ptrArrayLength); Function to input scores

scores[] à Array of scores

ptrArrayLength: Pointer to number of scores or array elements

voidoutputScores(float scores[], intarrayLength); Function to display scores

scores[] à Array of scores

arrayLength: Number of scores (NOT pointer)

floatcalculateAverage(float scores[], intnumScores); Function to calculate score average

scores[] à Array of scores

numScores: Number of scores

voidsortScoresAscendingOrder(float scores[], intarrayLength); Function to sort scores in descending order

scores[] à Array of scores

arrayLength: Number of scores or array elements

floatcalculatePreFinalsGrade(float testAvg, float quizAvg, float progAssignAvg); Function to calculate class


testAvg: Test average

quizAvg: Quiz average

progAssignAvg: Programming Assignment Average

The program’s input prompts and output statements must match the sample execution below. To print a floating pointnumber with only two decimal places use the placeholder "%.2f" :

printf("The cost is %.2f ", 15.345);

Sample Execution 1:

ls10@ra> ./prog7_final.out

CSE1233 Grade Calculator

Enter 4 Test Scores below

Print Score 1: 96

Print Score 2: 88

Print Score 3: 75

Print Score 4: 85

Enter 10 Quiz Scores below

Print Score 1: 10

Print Score 2: 9

Print Score 3: 9

Print Score 4: 10

Print Score 5: 6

Print Score 6: 2

Print Score 7: 9

Print Score 8: 7

Print Score 9: 8

Print Score 10: 10

Enter 7 Programming Assignment Scores below

Print Score 1: 100

Print Score 2: 100

Print Score 3: 75

Print Score 4: 100

Print Score 5: 90

Print Score 6: 100

Print Score 7: 95

4 Test Scores you entered are shown below

Score 1: 96.00

Score 2: 88.00

Score 3: 75.00

Score 4: 85.00

Page 3 of 5

10 Quiz Scores you entered are shown below

Score 1: 10.00

Score 2: 9.00

Score 3: 9.00

Score 4: 10.00

Score 5: 6.00

Score 6: 2.00

Score 7: 9.00

Score 8: 7.00

Score 9: 8.00

Score 10: 10.00

7 Programming Assignment Scores you entered are shown below

Score 1: 100.00

Score 2: 100.00

Score 3: 75.00

Score 4: 100.00

Score 5: 90.00

Score 6: 100.00

Score 7: 95.00

Your Top 8 Quiz Scores to be used are:

Score 1: 10.00

Score 2: 10.00

Score 3: 10.00

Score 4: 9.00

Score 5: 9.00

Score 6: 9.00

Score 7: 8.00

Score 8: 7.00

Your Top 7 Programming Assignment Scores to be used are:

Score 1: 100.00

Score 2: 100.00

Score 3: 100.00

Score 4: 100.00

Score 5: 95.00

Score 6: 90.00

Your Test Average is: 86.00

Your Quiz Average is: 90.00

Your Prog Assignment Average is: 97.50

Pre-Finals Grade Calculation

Your pre-finals grade is: 88.90

Sample Execution 2:

ls10@ra> ./prog7_final.out

CSE1233 Grade Calculator

Have you failed to turn in any assignments, enter Y for Yes and N for No? Y

Your class grade is F, please talk to your instructor

My code for program 5:



float calculateCharges(float);



float car1, car2, car3;

float charge1, charge2, charge3;

float totalHours = 0.0;

float totalCharges = 0.0;

printf("Enter the hours for car 1: ");

scanf("%f", &car1);

totalHours = totalHours + car1;

charge1 = calculateCharges(car1);

totalCharges = totalCharges + charge1;

printf("Enter the hours for car 2: ");

scanf("%f", &car2);

totalHours = totalHours + car2;

charge2 = calculateCharges(car2);

totalCharges = totalCharges + charge2;

printf("Enter the hours for car 3: ");

scanf("%f", &car3);

totalHours = totalHours + car3;

charge3 = calculateCharges(car3);

totalCharges = totalCharges + charge3;



printf("1\t\t%.1f\t\t%.2f\n", car1, charge1);

printf("2\t\t%.1f\t\t%.2f\n", car2, charge2);

printf("3\t\t%.1f\t\t%.2f\n", car3, charge3);

printf("TOTAL\t\t%.1f\t\t%.2f\n", totalHours, totalCharges);


float calculateCharges(float h)


const float MINIMUM_CHARGE = 2.0;

const float MAXIMUM_CHARGE = 10.00;

/* the garage charges 2.00 for any amount of

time up to 3 hours */

if (h<=3)


/* determine how many hours past 3 hours */

h = h - 3;

/* 0.50 for each hour (or part of an hour) past 3 hours */

float additionalAmount = ceil(h) * 0.50;

float charge = MINIMUM_CHARGE + additionalAmount;

if (charge > MAXIMUM_CHARGE)



return charge;






voidinputScores(float scores[], int *ptrArrayLength);

voidoutputScores(float scores[], intarrayLength);

floatcalculateAverage(float scores[], intnumScores);

voidsortScoresAscendingOrder(float scores[], intarrayLength);

floatcalculatePreFinalsGrade(float testAvg, float quizAvg, float progAssignAvg);



/* Declare and initialize variables */

intnumTests = 4, numQuizzes = 10, numProgAssignments = 7;

intnumDropQuizzes = 2, numDropProgAssignments = 1;

floattestAvg = 0.0, quizAvg = 0.0, progAssignAvg = 0.0, classAvg = 0.0;

floattestScores[4], quizScores[10], progAssignScores[7];

floatpreFinalsGrade = 0.0, finalsGrade = 0.0;

/* Declare and initialize pointer variables ptrQuizzes and ptrProgAssignments */

int *ptrTests = &numTests;

printf("CSE1233 Grade Calculator\n\n");

/* Check for missing assignments */


/* Read scores */

/* Read Test Scores */

printf("\nEnter 4 Test Scores below\n");

inputScores(testScores, ptrTests);

/* Read Quiz Scores */

printf("\nEnter 10 Quiz Scores below\n");

/* Write function call to read quiz scores */

/* Read Programming Assignment Scores */

/* Display message and write function call to read prog assignment scores */

/* Print Original Scores */

/* Display Test scores */

printf("\n4 Test Scores you entered are shown below\n");

outputScores(testScores, numTests);

/* Display Quiz Scores */

printf("\n10 Quiz Scores you entered are shown below\n");

outputScores(quizScores, numQuizzes);

/* Display message and write function call to display Programming Assignment Scores */

/* Sort Scores in Descending order: Needed to drop lowest scores */

/* Sort Quiz scores in descending order */

sortScoresAscendingOrder(quizScores, numQuizzes);

/* Drop lowest 2 quiz scores */

printf("\nYour Top 8 Quiz Scores to be used are:\n");

outputScores(quizScores, numQuizzes-numDropQuizzes);

/* Sort Prog Assignment scores in descending order */

/* Write function call to drop lowest 1 programming assignment score */

printf("\nYour Top 7 Programming Assignment Scores to be used are:\n");

/* Calculate Averages */

/* Calculate Test Average of 4 Tests */

testAvg = calculateAverage(testScores, numTests);

printf("\nYour Test Average is: %.2f\n", testAvg);

/* Calcluate Quiz Average of Top 8 Quiz Scores */

quizAvg = calculateAverage(quizScores, numQuizzes-numDropQuizzes);

/* Multiply quiz average by 10 to convert average to the scale of 100 */

quizAvg = quizAvg * 10;

printf("Your Quiz Average is: %.2f\n", quizAvg);

/* Calcluate Average of Top 7 Programming Assignment Scores */

    progAssignAvg = calculateAverage(progAssignScores, numProgAssignments-numDropProgAssignments);

printf("Your Prog Assignment Average is: %.2f\n", progAssignAvg);

/* Pre-Finals Grade Calculation */

printf("Pre-Finals Grade Calculation\n");

preFinalsGrade = calculatePreFinalsGrade(testAvg, quizAvg, progAssignAvg);

printf("Your pre-finals grade is: %.2f", preFinalsGrade);



/* Function to check missing assignments */



charcheckSubmissions = '\0';

printf("Have you failed to turn in any assignments, enter Y for Yes and N for No? ");

scanf("%c", &checkSubmissions);

if(checkSubmissions == 'Y')


printf("Your class grade is F, please talk to your instructor\n");

// exit(0);



/* Function to read scores into an array*/

voidinputScores(float scores[], int *ptrArrayLength)


int i;

/* complete the function */



/* Function to print scores using array*/

voidoutputScores(float scores[], intarrayLength)


int i;

for (i=0; i


printf("Score %d: %.2f\n", i+1, scores[i]);



/* Calculate average*/

floatcalculateAverage(float scores[], intnumScores)


int i;

float sum = 0.0, avg = 0.0;

/* complete the function */

avg = sum/numScores;



/* Sort array in ascending order */

voidsortScoresAscendingOrder(float scores[], intarrayLength)


int i = 0, j=0;

floatfTemp = 0.0;

for (i = 0; i


for (j = 0; j < arrayLength-i-1; j++)


if (scores[j] < scores[j+1])


fTemp = scores[j];

scores[j] = scores[j+1];

scores[j+1] = fTemp;





/* Pre-finals Average */

floatcalculatePreFinalsGrade(float testAvg, float quizAvg, float progAssignAvg)


if (testAvg< 60 || progAssignAvg< 60)


printf("Your pre-final class grade is: F\n");

// exit(0);



return 0.65 * testAvg + 0.15 * quizAvg + 0.20 * progAssignAvg;
